But wait… (part two)

When last we saw our heroes, they were about to call the preschool director…

              “I get the sense that part of your decision not to put Zach in Pre-K is financial,” she began.  Oh, you mean because preschool tuition in Los Angeles costs more than tuition at a state university?  

              Well, that’s not where I thought the conversation was going.

              “Forgive me if I’m crossing a line here,” she continued, apparently not yet having learned that I have no lines.  “But, I was watching graduation rehearsal today, and I think he would benefit from another year.”

              It was the perfect storm: Zach’s growing anxiety, funding for the public schools in the shitter, and changes afoot in the staffing of the Pre-K classroom.

             What followed over the next two days were earnest conversations with teachers, Grandma, and various other people who have Zachary’s best interests at heart, not to mention a goodly number of meltdowns on Zach’s part, as though he knew what we were all talking about and was looking to influence our decision.  By Friday afternoon, we had cobbled together a plan to make it possible and found out how to get refunds from our summer camps since he’d be in school all summer. 

             Friday afternoon, I told Zachary that he could stay in the preschool another year to do Pre-K.  And I’ll be damned if that child didn’t cease and desist all meltdowns almost immediately. 

            Now, if we could just figure out how to get his brother into line…

14 responses to “But wait… (part two)

  1. Wow! Amazing that he was able to right himself with that decision being made. Sometimes our children really do clue us in to the way to go, if we listen.

  2. We’ve made a similar decision. Sometimes taking it slow is the best way to avert worldwide catastrophe, and in the end, he’ll be calmer for it. Glad to know you didn’t get anyone sacked.

  3. Listening, thinking, discussing, acting. All signs of a good job parenting.

  4. I will be having very similar discussions at the end of next year to figure out if I am putting my son in kindergarten the following year…. on one hand I am NO hurry for him to grow up too soon, on the other, I dont want him to feel funny because he may be one of the older kids in his class if we dont send him…..its a hard decision.

  5. Amazing how kids let us know in their own way.

  6. Well, that sounds like a great plan. Apparently, Zachary approves.

  7. Sounds like a good decision for all. 🙂

  8. Wow, the surprise ending. Well played!

    It sounds like you’ve made the right decision for Zachary. I’m glad it all worked out in the end. 🙂

  9. Yeah, nice with the twist. Doesn’t it sometimes feel like the universe gives you a little gift?

  10. I wish Zachary well!

    I have absolutely not regretted for one solitary moment giving my fellas the extra preK year. It was absolutely the right decision for them. They are NOT bored in K at all; they are engaged & happy; they may be crazy good readers but they still have plenty of things to work on (mostly in the social realm like how to deal with disappointments, etc). I am just thrilled that we could give them the time. And I project a bit ahead & think how better off they will be socially in middle school….

  11. That’s great! What a relief.

    (Here you had me going with all that misdirection, you wiley woman.)

  12. He’ll have his whole life to push himself to his limits, especially since your giving him room to feel secure… not that I know the first thing about raising kids, cause I don’t, but if this feels like relief then it’s probably close to right?

  13. My opinion probably doesn’t mean squat to you but I definitely think this is the way to go. It is very common around here and almost always beneficial to start a child (especially a boy and I’m not being sexist-just realistic) on the later side. Self-esteem issues are even more important than academic–later on, your son will have an easier time if he has an extra year to make sure his maturity level, physical growth, puberty issues, and even driving privileges are not lagging behind the rest of his classmates. I’m saying this as a mother of 3 boys who were lucky enough to be born early in the school cut-off time (so they were older) and as a person who was always the youngest (and smallest and socially immature) in my class (due to my birthday).

  14. I’m feeling you.

    Of all the dramas I had expected, anticipated, or remotely hinted to in my future, pre-school acceptance, attendance, and tuition was never, ever one of them.

    Kudos for you for making a choice and being someone other Moms turn to!